The Daubeny

The Daubeny


The Oxford Science Park

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The Brief

We were appointed to design three buildings at Plot 23-26, The Oxford Science Park (TOSP), each providing headquarters – office and laboratory facilities – for leading science and technology companies. This additional capacity will support the growth of existing occupiers, providing flexibility with their space requirements, and enabling new companies to join the Park’s unique community. Wellbeing, biodiversity and sustainability was to be at the heart of the design process.


Walkable pedestrian areas are key to the design.  The four-storey buildings have active frontages with cafés and co-working space at ground level and external working and amenity spaces that create a variety of destinations between the buildings. The design promotes the use of stairs rather than lifts to encourage not only physical wellbeing but serendipitous interactions, critical in research and collaboration. ‘Views out’ from permanent workspaces are encouraged, with designs and internal layouts that support this feature for occupant wellbeing.


The landscape design creates a fully biodiverse habitat featuring native species and improving the existing condition, whilst brown roofs where possible are being included on each building. Careful modelling of each building’s orientation and facade ensures excellent levels of internal natural light, with passive design principles that reduce the need for cooling as much as possible.


37,160 sq m (400,000 sq ft)
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